Examination for Vasculopathy Doppler ABI/TBI
ABI/TBI analyser is a screening test for Diabetic Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). This test gives a comprehensive prediction of PAD. A positive ABI test indicates involvement of large arteries which need to evaluate with a colour Doppler or CT angiogram as per the patient’s profile & clinical indication for a confirmatory diagnosis & excluded a reversible cause of PAD. An impaired TBI is a prognostic factor for Diabetic foot condition.
Examination for Neuropathy

- Biothesiometer for neuropathy analysis. It gives a comprehensive evaluation of diabetic neuropathy with touch, vibration & temperature sensation covering involvement of all kind of sensory nerve fibre.
It’s a confirmatory diagnosis of Diabetic Neuropathy
Planter Pressure Mapping for Abnormal Pressure Point

Abnormal pressure point is an additional risk factor for diabetic ulcer formation. Podiascan illustrates pressure distribution over weight bearing portion of sole. Any abnormal distribution need to be offloaded to reduce the risk of ulcer formation in a diabetic neuropathy foot.