The most advanced user experience
InBody 580 Body Composition
The InBody 580 is one of the first InBody models to include a smart element, revolutionizing the DSM-BIA market. The QR code scanner, integrated with the device, allows for simplified data entry for enhanced measurement efficiency.
Never before has the ease of measurement been this extensive. Through the ergonomically designed hand electrodes, an accurate measurement is done by holding the 3-way hand electrode anywhere. Additionally, the InBody580 features a generous 10.1-inch touch display and keypad for a seamless and user-friendly operation.
Fitness and health providers greatly benefit from the detailed analysis the InBody 580 provides. It helps monitor segmental body water balance, segmental cellular integrity and shows an extensive analysis on fat- and muscle mass. Fitness and health professionals can use this data to provide personalized training programs, advice and consultations.

InBody 580
What's new?

QR code scanner
The InBody 580 is one of the first InBody models with a smart-element, revolutionizing the DSM-BIA market. The QR code scanner, integrated into the device, enables simplified data entry for improved measurement efficiency.

User friendly interface
The InBody 580 features a 10.1-inch touchscreen for seamless, user-friendly operation. The rather generous touchscreen is both stylish and elegant and allows for easy interaction.

3-way hand electrode
Never before has the ease of measurement been so comprehensive. With ergonomically designed hand electrodes, an accurate measurement is made possible by holding the 3-way hand electrode anywhere.
InBody 580 Highlights
User friendly interface
The elegant display of the InBody 580 is designed for ease of use. Given the size of the screen, users can navigate very easily and accurately follow the InBody test steps provided by the integrated guide. Both the keyboard and touch screen ensure seamless operation and result in an enhanced customer experience.

QR Code Scanner
Entering your data on the InBody is a thing of the past. From now on, you simply scan your personal QR code and your data will be directly visible on the InBody 580 (provided there is already a registration with your data).
This ensures that you as a business owner can implement a more efficient way of measuring with your clients and your clients will have a more advanced measurement experience. In addition, the results are communicated directly to the client’s InBody App so they can view them with you.
InBody 580
Comprehensive parameters
Body Water Balance
Maintaining body water balance is essential to overall health management. InBody’s whole-body ECW ratio is a valuable tool for monitoring and assessing an individual’s health status.
Cellular Integrity Check
Phase Angle is a vital measure that signifies cellular health by revealing Cellular Integrity and overall
physiological function. InBody’s Phase Angle assists in evaluating an individual’s cellular health and guiding necessary actions.
Assessment of Sarcopenia
Sarcopenia can be easily assessed and evaluated using the Skeletal Muscle Mass Index (SMI) and hand squeeze strength*, allowing for comprehensive evaluation and personalized advice.
*Hand squeeze strength can be measured with the InBody InGrip.
Body composition analysis
The InBody 580 is unique of its kind regarding the above parameters. However, it still measures traditional body composition where muscle mass, fat mass and fat percentage are accurately mapped out.

The InBody Health Corner
The InBody Health Corner can be deployed as part of the ecosystem within various industries.

InBody Cloud
InBody App
You and your clients can use the InBody App to easily view and track body composition data. It gives users a clear overview of their health. Moreover, it shows all the detailed content in terms of parameters provided through the InBody test. With the InBody App, your body composition data is always close at hand.

Lookin'Body Web
This unique platform was designed for professionals who work with people. It stores and views data of your customers and gives you the opportunity to set goals with them, create groups(e.g., 12-week fat loss group), and set up internal challenges amongst your members. In addition, it is the perfect cloud-based tool to help you promote your business through data. Showcase your customers’ success like muscle gain or fat loss through the data kept in Lookin’BodyWeb.